"Flushing Donald"

Описание к видео "Flushing Donald"

At many of his rallies, Donald Trump used to rail against low-flush toilets, and most folks were flummoxed as to why he would 'go off' on such an odd topic. Now that it is reported that, during the Trump administration, White House plumbing was backed up on a number of occasions with documents that had been dropped into a toilet in the residence there, Trump's fixation on the supposed inefficiency of low-flush toilets finally makes sense. We can now add basic plumbing and document filing to the long list of things Donald Trump doesn't know shit about.
Just today, Mangy Fetlocks put together the connection regarding Trump's toilet tantrums and his desire to get rid of evidence while in the White House. Naturally, a song came out of it. Lyrics below:

Trump always will be famous for one thing above all others
for there’s one thing he did more than all those who came before.
This act distinguished him from his past presidential brothers
who may have done the same, but Donald did it so much more.

This was no competition, nonetheless Donald took pride
announcing it to rally crowds who toward the stage were crushing
So Donald Trump shall henceforth be regarded far and wide
as the President who spent most time in office toilet flushing.

copyright 2022, Bruce W. Nelson


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