UN Science Summit | AI Enhanced People Leadership: AI for Workplace Wellbeing and Employee Thriving

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"UN Science Summit (UNGA79): AI-Enhanced People-Leadership: Ethical AI Practices and Frameworks for Workplace Wellbeing and Employee Thriving"

This session addresses the pivotal role of Artificial Intelligence in transforming leadership across global organizations. With a focus on ethical integration, our panel of distinguished experts from Canada, the USA, Saudi Arabia, and Australia will discuss how AI can enhance employee wellbeing and drive organizational success. Key objectives include developing ethical AI frameworks, enhancing skills through AI, and leveraging AI for effective human-centered leadership. This session will not only provide insights into current trends and challenges but also highlight successful case studies and strategies for adopting AI in leadership roles. Through this dialogue, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of AI's potential in promoting sustainable workplace environments and enhancing global leadership practices.

Link to Science Summit: https://sciencesummitunga.com/

- Moderator: Anitta Krishan, Head of Community at Hoogly (SINGAPORE),
- Convenor & Speaker: Bailey Parnell, EdD Candidate, CEO & Researcher, SkillsCamp and the Center for Digital Wellbeing (CANADA)
- Hamza Khan, Globally Renowned Leadership Expert, Speaker, & Author (USA)
- Lawrence Eta, Global Digital Transformation Thought Leader and Former CTO of the City of Toronto (SAUDI ARABIA)
- Declan Edwards, CEO & Researcher BU Happiness College and Positive Psychology Researcher (AUSTRALIA)

This session aligns closely with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly:

- SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being): By discussing how AI can be used to monitor and improve employee mental health and well-being, the session contributes directly to promoting good health at all ages. It emphasizes the importance of mental health in the workplace, a critical component of overall health and well-being.

- SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth): The integration of ethical AI in leadership practices is essential for promoting productive employment and decent work. AI tools can enhance job satisfaction, reduce burnout, and create more engaging and fulfilling work environments, thereby contributing to economic growth.

- SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure): The session highlights how AI can drive innovation in leadership practices, supporting the development of resilient infrastructure and fostering innovation across industries.

- UN Global Digital Compact and Local2030 - The session showcases how digital technologies, particularly AI, can be used responsibly and inclusively. By discussing ethical frameworks and leadership practices that incorporate AI, the session contributes to the Digital Compact’s goal of ensuring that digital technologies benefit all of humanity. Moreover, by focusing on local implementations and the global reach of AI technologies, it aligns with Local2030's aim of empowering local solutions to global challenges, ensuring that advancements in AI are leveraged to achieve the SDGs effectively across different communities.
- Our session connects well with the African Union Commission (AUC) Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa 2020-2030, as it explores how AI and digital technologies can be ethically integrated into leadership to enhance workplace dynamics and employee well-being. This aligns with the strategy's goal of leveraging digital transformation to drive social and economic development across the continent, emphasizing innovation and inclusive growth.

Through these discussions and outcomes, the session not only underscores the importance of ethical leadership in the AI era but also promotes a collaborative approach to harnessing digital technologies for sustainable development and global well-being.


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