耶穌我唯一的熱情 Jesus,My Only Passion - [中英歌詞版]

Описание к видео 耶穌我唯一的熱情 Jesus,My Only Passion - [中英歌詞版]

慕主音樂 FRMM Music
Facebook:   / frccmusic  
Youtube:    / frmmmusicministry  
Official Website: http://music.frmm.co

Mixing: Daniel Shum
Video Edit: Ranzi Li

(耶穌) (Jesus)
夜露滴濕了 我的頭
My hair’s drenched with dew of the night
我的妹子啊 請開門
Open to me, my sister, my love
我心憂傷 血滴滴在地
My heart is grieved, my blood dripping down
可否與我 儆醒片刻?
Please keep watch with me one moment more

Listen! My Lover's knocking on my door
Behold! His pierced hand reaching through the hole
熟悉呼喚 迴盪在我心
His sweetest voice resounds in my heart
尋見你在 客西馬尼
I’ll meet You in Gethsemane!

十字架上 我渴想你
On the cross I thirst for you!
哪噠馨香 縈繞在我的心
Your perfume of Nard lingers in My heart
身子裂開 是為再看見你
My body crushed that we can meet again
陰間死亡 不能將我們分離
Death and darkness shall never separate us

親愛良人 我答應你
Oh sweet lover I promise You
加略路上 踩著你的血跡
Calvary's bloodstained path I will also tread
你的笑靨 深深繫住我心
Your loving smile lodged deep within my heart
祭壇火燄 將我們連成一靈
The alter flames will unite us as one!
耶穌! 耶穌!
Jesus! Jesus!
你是我心 燃燒的烈燄
The blazing flames of love in my heart
My only passion
耶穌! 耶穌!
Jesus! Jesus!
打破香膏 甘願傾倒一生
My life poured out, all the perfume’s for You
All for You my love


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