Countdown - 11 November 1996

Описание к видео Countdown - 11 November 1996

The first of four shows from when I was in the audience of Countdown in 1996 - These shows were the Supreme Championship and included Countdown's first ever champion from 1982.

After arriving at the Yorkshire Television studios we entered the lobby, the party was mainly elderly ladies who needed the loo after a 45 minute coach journey to Leeds unfortunately the security guards at YTV were in no mood for incontinent older ladies and forced us all to stand on a carpeted area in the corner until they were ready.

After the YTV gestapo let us go I took a trip down the main corridor of YTV the floor had the little chevrons all over it to the right was the YTV book shop which had bizarrely lots of copies of Farmhouse Kitchen book, even though the show had finished years ago, the production board showed the only shows being made by YTV on that day were Countdown and The Riddlers (on location)....


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