1986 [60fps] Out Run Goal D

Описание к видео 1986 [60fps] Out Run Goal D

アウトラン / Out Run (standard/upright, Rev B) SEGA 1986 ギアガチャ禁止プレイ Player afb 収録Ver Mame32Plus!0.110 海外バージョン Dコース ギアガチャを封印したプレイです。 

mame replay site http://replayburners.web.fc2.com/


開発元:セガ(AM2) 発売元:セガ
CPU構成[68000 (2), Z80] 音源チップ[YM2151, Sega PCM]

誰もが名作と認めるドライブゲーム「アウトラン」。 美麗なグラフィック、良質のサウンドはもちろんのこと、これまでのドライブゲームには見られないシステムがいつくも存在する。 まず、フェラーリテスタロッサに似た車の動きに合わせて、大型筐体が左右にムービングする点。 また、1ステージごとに分岐点が用意され、プレイヤーが自由にコースとエンディングを選べる点。 さらにはスタート時に気分に合わせてBGMを3曲からセレクトできる点である。 一定時間コース外を走っても減速しないテクニック「ギアガチャ」の存在は有名。 全5ステージ。

Out Run (c) 1986 Sega Enterprises, Ltd.

Out Run is a legendary and ground-breaking racing game in which the player drives a red Ferrari Testarossa through a number of colourful European locations, trying to reach each end-of-level checkpoint before the tight time limit expires.

Out Run's lush, fast-moving stages are each packed with civilian traffic that, in addition to the game's twisting, hilly roads, must be carefully negotiated. Also, as players approached the end of each stage, they were presented with a fork in the road; a unique innovation that gave players a choice of which route they wished to take through the game.

As well as being able to choose which route they wished to take, players could also - via the game's "in-car radio" - choose one of three different catchy tunes to listen to while driving. The songs are 'Magical Sound Shower', 'Passing Breeze' and 'Splash Wave'.


[1] Standard Type
[2] Upright Type


Released in September 1986.

Opponent cars list :
* 1972 Volkswagen Beetle
* 1971 Chevrolet Corvette
* 1985 Porsche Carrera 911 Turbo
* 1985 BMW 325i Cabriolet E30
* Lorry


1. Out Run (1986)
2. Out Run 3-D (1989, Sega Master System)
3. Battle Out Run (1989, Sega Master System)
4. Turbo Out Run (1989)
5. Out Run Europa (1991, Sega Game Gear)
6. Out Runners (1992)
7. Out Run 2019 (1993, Sega Mega Drive)
8. Out Run 2 (2003)
9. Out Run 2 SP - Special Tours (2004)


Designed by : Yu Suzuki (YU.)
Music by : Hiroshi Miyauchi (MIY)
From highscore table : Bin Chan (BIN), (KAG), (MAT), (IKA), (A.O)


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