Dr Fauci Diagnoses China’s Bad Economic Habits

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Dr. Anthony Fauci is earning himself prominent placement on any list of foreign experts China is annoyed to hear offer critiques of its “zero-Covid” debacle. There was a time when economists called President Xi Jinping’s obsession with lockdowns a “strategy” to curb infection rates in the most populous nation. These days, they’re calling it what it really is: an overwhelming headwind damaging growth prospects for Asia’s biggest economy. Or a “disaster,” in the words of White House medical adviser Fauci. In recent interviews with Foreign Policy magazine and German talk show Maischberger, Fauci opined that massive lockdowns of the kind in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing are fine at first to stamp out infection. But they’re the epidemiological equivalent of a tourniquet. Lockdowns and doing nothing else to improve the quality of vaccines and employ more creative mitigation won’t work.“China did well in the beginning—it’s a disaster now,” Fauci told Foreign Policy. And an avoidable disaster at that. As 2021 was stumbling toward 2022, geopolitical experts like Eurasia Group CEO Ian Bremmer worried Xi’s Community Party would make precisely this error. As Bremmer argued in January: China’s stubborn embrace of lockdowns is out of step with the Omicron phase of the pandemic.“China's zero Covid policy, which looked incredibly successful in 2020, is now fighting against a much more transmissible variant with vaccines that are only marginally effective,” Bremmer warned. We can debate why Xi is doubling down on lockdowns. Bad headlines highlighting surging infection rates could complicate Xi’s quest for a precedent-shattering third term later this year. Bigger outbreaks could spotlight how China’s homegrown vaccinations are subpar. Xi may worry changing strategies would be seen as an admission of failure—or weakness. But weakness is already showing up in China’s economic data. This week, Fitch Ratings cut its forecast for China’s 2022 gross domestic product to 4.3% from 4.8%. That’s well below Xi’s 5.5% target. Nor is GDP likely to hit that level next year, says Fitch Chief Economist Brian Coulton. Fitch, he says, expects 5.2% 2023 growth “on the assumption that the government will phase out its ‘dynamic zero-Covid’ policy only gradually over the course of next year.”Yet, as Fauci warns, hints of such a phaseout are few and far between. The problem with Omicron is that all evidence points to its current—and future—sub variants becoming increasingly transmissible. This suggests a Whack-A-Mole cycle whereby Xi’s government throttles back on lockdowns in some metropoles while racing to re-implement them in others. Just as with personal health, bad economic habits die hard. This cycle is sure to keep China in the global headlines for all the wrong reasons. This includes another kind of “contagion” as slowing mainland growth and volatility in Shanghai shares unnerving markets everywhere.

All data is taken from the source: http://forbes.com
Article Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamp...

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