《Moon River/月亮河》 Cello cover 大提琴版本 『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典歐美懷舊系列】

Описание к видео 《Moon River/月亮河》 Cello cover 大提琴版本 『cover by YoYo Cello』【經典歐美懷舊系列】

《Moon River/月亮河》 Andy Williams

《Moon River》是由美國歌手兼歌詞作家約翰莫瑞(John Mercer)作詞,作曲家亨利曼西尼(Henry Mancini)譜曲,為1961年所上映的浪漫電影第凡內的早餐(Breakfast at Tiffany’s)所創作的主題曲,由Andy Williams所演唱。它簡單優美的旋律,歌詞表達了對夢想、希望和愛情的渴望,並以細膩的抒情方式傳達人生的蛻變和成長,獲得了1962年度奧斯卡金像獎最佳原創歌曲獎以及葛萊美獎年度歌曲獎,是一首膾炙人口的電影主題曲。

影片中飾演女主角的奧黛麗赫本(Audrey Hepburn)在她紐約的公寓陽台上拿著吉他自彈自唱這一首《Moon River》,使其成為電影的經典場景之一,經由她的演繹也使這首歌變得更加深入人心,為該曲帶來了更廣泛的認知度和影響力。歌詞的前兩句: “Moon River, wider than a mile, I'm crossing you in style someday”(月河,寬逾一哩 / 我將以優雅的方式穿越你),展現出歌曲所蘊含的詩意和浪漫氛圍。

《Moon River》的旋律和歌詞在這部電影裡展現了出色的融合,成為整部作品的靈魂之一。它繪製了男女主角之間的細膩感情,在觀眾心中留下了深刻的印象。這首歌曲成了亨利曼西尼和約翰莫瑞的代表作之一,也因其優美的歌詞而廣受歡迎,至今仍被廣泛地傳唱。




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銀行: 國泰世華(013)
"Moon River" is the theme song of the romantic film "Breakfast at Tiffany's," released in 1961. The song was written by American singer and lyricist Johnny Mercer and composed by Henry Mancini. It was sung by Andy Williams. The song features a simple and beautiful melody, with lyrics expressing a longing for dreams, hope, and love, conveying the nuances of transformation and growth in life. It received the Academy Award for Best Original Song and the Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 1962, becoming a widely acclaimed movie theme song.

In the film, actress Audrey Hepburn portrayed the female lead and performed "Moon River" while playing the guitar on her New York apartment balcony, creating one of the film's iconic scenes. Her rendition deepened the song's emotional impact and contributed to its widespread recognition and influence. The opening lines, "Moon River, wider than a mile / I'm crossing you in style someday," capture the poetic and romantic ambiance of the song.

The seamless integration of the melody and lyrics in "Moon River" makes it a soulful centerpiece of the movie. It beautifully depicts the delicate emotions between the main characters, leaving a profound impression on the audience. The song has become one of Henry Mancini and Johnny Mercer's most iconic works and remains popular, as its elegant lyrics continue to resonate with listeners.

Have you ever experienced such a poignant and tender romantic past? Let YoYo take you on a journey through time with her cello, revisiting those beautiful memories.

Cello: YoYo Deng-Kai, Wu
Photography.Video: Santon. W
Description: Wester Wu

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Facebook:   / yoyocello  

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