16.6 Cycloaddition Reactions | Organic Chemistry

Описание к видео 16.6 Cycloaddition Reactions | Organic Chemistry

Chad builds upon the last lesson on Diels-Alder reactions to comprehensively cover Cycloaddition Reaction in general. He starts with a review of the Diels-Alder reaction and shows the difference between when it is performed under thermal vs photochemical conditions. He also shows when suprafacial-suprafacial vs suprafacial-antarafacial relationships between diene and dienophile are allowed and forbidden and the resulting stereochemistry associated with each. Finally, Chad also covers examples 6 + 2 and 2 + 2 cycloadditions under both thermal and photochemical conditions.

I've created an organic chemistry page that organizes all my videos by chapter - just an easier way for you to watch my YouTube videos. Check it out at https://www.chadsprep.com/chads-organ...

00:00 Lesson Introduction
00:54 Review of FMO Theory and Diels-Alder Thermal Conditions
05:43 4 + 2 Cycloaddition Under Photochemical Conditions
10:19 Suprafacial vs Antarafacial; Effect on Stereochemistry
19:45 6 + 2 Cycloadditions
24:36 2 +2 Cycloadditions



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