[Instant Pot 豉油雞] 完美浸雞無難度,皮爽肉嫩!雞皮香甜光滑有秘訣!同步分享如何處理雞隻和斬雞🐓

Описание к видео [Instant Pot 豉油雞] 完美浸雞無難度,皮爽肉嫩!雞皮香甜光滑有秘訣!同步分享如何處理雞隻和斬雞🐓

大家好!歡迎來到 Hello May 頻道!

豉油雞,是一道廣東的家常菜。雞要夠滑嫩,是要浸出來的。這影片我會同大家分享,我用Instant Pot 高壓煲浸豉油雞的做法,不用高壓,效果皮爽肉嫩!

「在美煮意」中所分享的,都是記錄我在美國做飯時的一些小煮意👩🏻‍🍳,給自己記錄下來做過的餸菜,也記錄給我兩位囡囡,讓她們將來也能保存 "媽媽的味道” 🥰。



黃毛走地雞 一隻 (1.5公斤)
薑 6-8片
葱 3-4條
紅葱頭 3-4粒
蒜頭 4-5粒
生抽 400克
老抽 50克
料酒 250克
水 1000克
冰糖 60克

豉油汁 2-3湯匙
麻油 一茶匙
蜂蜜/麥芽糖 一湯匙


[Instant Pot Soy Sauce Chicken] There’s a secret to sweet and smooth chicken skin!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the "Hello May" channel!

Soy sauce chicken is a home-cooked dish in Guangdong. If the chicken is to be smooth and tender, it needs to be soaked. In this video, I will share with you how I soak chicken in soy sauce using an Instant Pot. No high pressure is required, and the result is crispy skin and tender meat!

What I share in my cooking channel is to record some of my cooking ideas when I was cooking in the United States👩🏻‍🍳. I recorded the delicious dishes I cooked for myself, and also recorded them for my two daughters so that they can also preserve the "mother's taste" in the future 🥰.

I hope this channel can also bring you interesting video content and practical sharing! 😘

Turn on the little bell to be the first to receive more delicious recipes from me in the future. Don’t forget to like and leave a comment, thank you all for your support! 😊

[Soy Sauce Chicken]
One yellow free-range chicken (1.5kg)
Ginger 6-8 slices
3-4 green onions
3-4 red onions
4-5 garlic cloves
Light soy sauce 400g
Dark soy sauce 50g
Cooking wine 250g
water 1000g
60g rock sugar

Swirl the chicken sauce:
Soy sauce 2-3 tablespoons
sesame oil 1 teaspoon
Honey/maltose 1 tablespoon

🇭🇰HongKonger in US🇺🇸

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