Starcraft 2's Upcoming Patch 5.0.14 should have these changes!

Описание к видео Starcraft 2's Upcoming Patch 5.0.14 should have these changes!

00:00 - Intro
00:05 - Colossus Attack Animation/ Damage
01:33 - Blink vs Concussive Shell as movement abilities
02:16 - Colossus Walking Over Mineral Fields
03:02 - Liberator Morph Designate Target Bug
03:30 - Brood Lord Weapon Bugs
04:38 - Picking up units does not reset attack target
06:13 - Turret units should track targets with their turret (Hellion)
07:21 - Contaminate can be cast on units it shouldn't be able to
07:45 - Extra suggestions for Contaminate, Spawn Changeling, and Hallucination
08:57 - Command Structures should have normal wall-offs
09:38 - Expansions should try to automatically rally to centre mineral field
10:22 - Hydralisk walking animation should slither more
11:10 - Dark Templar attack sound should be cancel-able
12:10- Enable Dark Templar attack impact animation
12:55 - Worker Refinery Idle Bug
13:34 - Hellions/Hellbats/Thors should keep current orders through morphing
14:34 - Command card icon improvements
15:34 - Shield Batteries "Stop" should change targets
16:20 - Thors and Siege Tanks should push allied units out of the way
17:36 - Ravagers shouldn't bait eachother into tank fire
18:24 - Oracles shouldn't lose momentum to baits
19:50 - SCV start/stop movement delay should be less random
20:40 - Phoenix turret should track targets
22:04 - Neural upgrade bug
22:44 - Honourable Mentions

Extension mod where all changes are present for testing on custom games:


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