What is Jobs-to-be-Done? - Tony Ulwick

Описание к видео What is Jobs-to-be-Done? - Tony Ulwick

Tony Ulwick, innovation thought leader, presents an overview of Jobs-to-be-Done Theory.

Download a free copy of Tony's best-selling books: Jobs-to-be-Done | From Theory to Practice - https://jobs-to-be-done-book.com

Jobs-to-be-Done (JTBD) is best defined as a perspective — a powerful lens through which companies can observe markets, customer needs, competitors, and market segmentation differently, and in doing so, make their success at innovation far more predictable and profitable.

Companies look at the world of innovation through this lens to accelerate their growth.

Jobs-to-be-Done Theory is a theory of innovation that is based on the economic principle that people buy products and services to get “jobs” done, i.e., to help them accomplish tasks, achieve goals and objectives, resolve and avoid problems, and to make progress in their lives.

The theory goes on to say that to create products and services that are likely to win in the marketplace, companies must make the customer’s job-to-be-done the unit of analysis, work to gain a deep understanding of the job, and then create offerings that will help people get their jobs done significantly better and/or more cheaply.


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