Highlighting the importance of Collaboration Between Netherlands and Country in Southeast Asia

Описание к видео Highlighting the importance of Collaboration Between Netherlands and Country in Southeast Asia

The transformation presents an opportunity for Nuffic Southeast Asia to outline its new objectives by encouraging active participation from various stakeholders across the region as well as in the Netherlands.

Over the past quarter-century, Nuffic Neso Indonesia has promoted Dutch higher education and provided comprehensive information about study programs taught in English in the Netherlands. As we evolve into a regional office, Nuffic Southeast Asia's goal is to expand the scope of its impact and enhance collaboration in the education and research sectors between the Netherlands and the Southeast Asia region.

Moreover, we seek to identify opportunities and address challenges where Nuffic SEA can make a meaningful impact. Considering this significant transformation, a celebrative event was organised to launch Nuffic SEA. This event featured a talk show discussing the importance of being part of a knowledge community with the Netherlands and European Union (EU) are in a broader sense, emphasising the shared enthusiasm for learning, exploring novel ideas, and advancing understanding and solving current problems. Additionally, parallel sessions was conducted to showcase specific activities currently undertaken by Nuffic Southeast Asia.

This includes the promotion of the NL Knowledge Community, which will now expand not only to include NL alumni in Southeast Asia, but also to involve Southeast Asian nationalities who have ties or work in the Netherlands. These sessions will also delve into addressing various issues across the region and explore how our transformed office can contribute to responding to these challenges. Crucially, Nuffic's recognition as an EU-pillar-assessed organisation enables closer collaboration with the EU to develop and launch impactful programs. Consequently, this event provided a unique opportunity to explore several EUfunded programmes involving Nuffic Southeast Asia, paving the way for meaningful collaborations and initiatives.


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