The Cinch Hub: Put-up/Walk-Through/ Take-Down

Описание к видео The Cinch Hub: Put-up/Walk-Through/ Take-Down

See time stamps below for what you want to see specifically.

Introducing the Cinch Hub! Another Cinch product that I just couldn't find any 3rd Party reviews for. So for Ye' Faithful Few, here is a full look at it. it is a pop-up day shelter/Pop up tent. A versatile piece of kit for car camping or day use when you just need a quick shelter.

The Rugged Mountain Mister and I show you what comes with it, how to put it up and how to take it down! We plan on using it for sporting events and camping! It's a great piece of gear to add to our tent obsession!

0:57 - Whats In The Box
4:30 - Set-Up
10:22 - Whats In The Hub
14:58 - RMm Joins In To Help
15:28 - The Inner Tent
18:45 - The Take Down
24:04 - Packing it Up


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