"Deleuze/Guattari and A Thousand Plateaus": Michael Hardt in conversation with Brad Evans

Описание к видео "Deleuze/Guattari and A Thousand Plateaus": Michael Hardt in conversation with Brad Evans

“A Century of Violence” – co-hosted with the Centre for the Study of Violence at the University of Bath: https://www.bath.ac.uk/research-centr...

To coincide with the 100th year anniversary of The Philosopher, renowned philosopher of violence Brad Evans will discuss five of the seminal philosophical texts on violence from the past century.

At the time of its publication in 1980, Deleuze & Guattari’s "A Thousand Plateaus" was seen as a cluster bomb of concepts. A book that breaks apart the very idea, form and structure of what a book could be, it has since become one of the defining texts of post-structuralism. It is also a book that has had a marked impact on how we understand the spatial and temporal dimensions of violence. Navigating through a number of key concepts in the text, from multiplicity to nomadism and revolution, this conversation with eminent political philosopher Michael Hardt situates "A Thousand Plateaus" in the radical moment in which it was written, while asking what relevance it has today.

Michael Hardt is professor of literature at Duke University. His writings explore the new forms of domination in the contemporary world as well as the social movements and other forces of liberation that resist them. In the Empire trilogy (Empire (2000), Multitude (2004), and Commonwealth (2009)), Hardt and Antonio Negri investigated the political, legal, economic, and social aspects of globalization, along with the political and economic alternatives that could lead to a more democratic world. Their pamphlet Declaration (2012) attempted to articulate the significance of the encampments and occupations that began in 2011, from Tahrir Square to Zuccotti Park, and to recognize the primary challenges faced by emerging democratic social movements today.
Homepage: https://scholars.duke.edu/person/hardt

Brad Evans is a political philosopher, critical theorist, and writer whose work focuses on the problem of violence. He is the author of twenty books and edited volumes, along with over a hundred and fifty academic and international media articles. He is the founding director of the Centre for the Study of Violence (to be launched 2023) and holds a Chair in Political Violence & Aesthetics at the University of Bath.
Website: https://www.brad-evans.co.uk
Research Centre: https://www.bath.ac.uk/research-centr...


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