Medjugorje 2023 ❤️

Описание к видео Medjugorje 2023 ❤️

Maggio 2023 - Veggente Mirjana (English subtitles)
ispirazione e preghiera da questo luogo ricco delle benedizioni della Regina della Pace.

Acquista qui il bellissimo libro di Mirjana: Il mio cuore trionferà:

Libro raro: Mille incontri con la Madonna. Le apparizioni di Medjugorje raccontate dalla veggente Vicka

ENGLISH (Mirjana): Try fasting, because I know that those who grumble the most are Italians. There are no nationals here, Our Lady never says dear ones or dear ones, she says dear children. But I see that those who grumble the most about fasting are Italians (laughter). I also have to justify myself, I always iodize that you have such a big heart, anyone who needs help you are the first. I think the Madonna when she looks at how much fasting you have done will look at it that way (laughter). Try to come back with prayers in the family, because it is very important that our children see that for mom and dad God is first, after that it is everything else. You must know that for Our Lady I am like each one of you, there are no privileges. When you need our heavenly mother you do not need visionaries, you only need an open heart. To her you are important.


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