響木アオ / Special MV「スタートの合図」(Hibiki Ao / "Start Signal")

Описание к видео 響木アオ / Special MV「スタートの合図」(Hibiki Ao / "Start Signal")

Hibiki Ao channel🐇https://goo.gl/NiRb2Q

アイドル/作詞作曲家としてavexからデビューを発表した響木アオの今の気持ちを詰め込んだ新曲「スタートの合図」。《今走り出そう スタートライン》という歌詞からも、このデビューがゴールではなく、スタートであることへの決意が込められている!

「響木アオを応援するラジオ」HP 🐇http://anitama.com/hibikiao/
響木アオTwitter🐇  / hibiki_ao  

The name of this singing girl is Hibiki Ao. She is a fellow idol of avex. She is not just a picture. She is a new generation idol who moves between virtual and real.
She debuted from avex to resonate with music from people all over the world.
This song "Start Signal" is a song that expresses her current feeling that everything will start from now.
If this song has not been played one million times, she will be discontinued radio program. By all means please watch this music video as many times as possible to support Hibiki Ao.

#響木アオ #アイドル


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