Merkel declares the HOLY EUROPEAN EMPIRE! | HOI4: Millennium Dawn

Описание к видео Merkel declares the HOLY EUROPEAN EMPIRE! | HOI4: Millennium Dawn

All hail the Holy European Empire.

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Music used in this video:
1. German Anthem:    • Germany National Anthem (Instrumental)  
2. Ode To Joy:    • "Ode an die Freude" - Anthem of The E...  
3. Brandenburg Concerto No4-1 BWV1049
4. Chant de l'Oignon:    • Chant de l'Oignon  
5. To Serve Russia:    • Служить России - To Serve Russia  
6. Radetzky March
7. Battle Hymn of the Republic
8. Die Einsenfaust am Lanzenschaft:    • Die Eisenfaust am Lanzenschaft ✠ [Ger...  
9. 55 Tage in Peking:    • 55 Tage in Peking / 55 Days at Peking...  
10. Ode To Joy Remix:    • [TPRMX] Beethoven - Symphony No.9 4th...  

#hoi4 #millenniumdawn #unitedstatesofeurope


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