Starting Out On The Zielonka map FS25 Timelapse Farming Simulator 25 EP 2

Описание к видео Starting Out On The Zielonka map FS25 Timelapse Farming Simulator 25 EP 2

Starting Out On The Zielonka map FS25 Timelapse Farming Simulator 25 EP 2 - Joining other fields
Cultivation with AI
First rapeseed harvesting
First planting in your own field with AI
We mow, turn and bale grass

Štartujeme timelaps seriu videí Farming Simulator 25na mape FS 25 Zielonka EP 2 - Spájanie ďalších polí
Kultivácia pomocou AI
Prvé zber repky
Prvá výsadba na vlastnom poli pomocou AI
Kosíme, obraciame a balíkujeme trávu


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