পালিয়ে গিয়ে বিয়ে,আইন কি বলে?ঝামেলা থেকে বাঁচতে চাইলে জেনে নিন কি কি করবেন।

Описание к видео পালিয়ে গিয়ে বিয়ে,আইন কি বলে?ঝামেলা থেকে বাঁচতে চাইলে জেনে নিন কি কি করবেন।

Having honesty, accountability, sincere endeavor to serve the human being in various extent with laborious and untiring concerted efforts; Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan has been working as an Advocate in the Supreme Court of Bangladesh including versatile arena of legal and literary field since long years with utmost satisfaction and reputation.
More particularly, Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan has been writing articles on different issues and many of his articles have already got published on DLR, Daily and Weekly national and international English newspapers including e-news portals. He deals with variety of creative issues more specifically public lectures on some particular and well-timed issues, arranging Seminar and Symposium in national and international arena.
Mr. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan has also hand on delivering academic lectures for the tertiary level students. He is determined to reach at his goal by dint of his honesty, laborious works, own qualifications and competence; by not putting oil on political leaders or/and others. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan believes in the divinely order. He never runs after wealth. It is highly appreciable that he does not belong to any political view of the ongoing politics of Bangladesh.
More so, no telling to say that he never receivers any brief or case from the third parties except the concern clients. Before receiving any brief or case, Mr. Bhuiyan is not used to giving false assurance to his clients. He always tries to maintain a standard of his advocacy no matter whether he gets less brief or case. He maintains his associates and juniors like as his ethics and way of legal practice. He ever and anon keeps his verbal submissions in English in all the Courts of Bangladesh and abroad.
Mr. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan has much thrust to acquire knowledge on Law and Language. Above all, he is like, a lawyer should be. Out and out, he obeys the Bangladesh Bar Council Rules and Order. Most importantly, Mr. Farhad is involved with English debating. As part of this, he has formed Lawyers English Debating Society in 2010 and since then he has been continuing to arrange various debating programs in English with the participation of Learned Lawyers of Bangladesh and abroad.
It is interesting to mention that he keeps delivering lectures on legal and contemporary issues on YouTube channel “Ain Adalat”. He does not compromise with any kind of corruption, unethical issues whatever the situation is. He is true to his words. Honesty, hard work. Patience, study and research are his only capital, nothing more than this.
Besides, Mr. Bhuiyan bears high standing morality and he always stands against illegal and unethical practices and deeds found in our society, Country and the world. He even decided to keep contribution throughout the world by his writings. It is worth stating that Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan deals with the Constitutional Law (Writ), Criminal, Civil, Admiralty, Company, Corporate, Family matters and ADR matters. In dealing with his clients, he maintains the utmost professionalism. Not only this, he believes in client’s satisfaction and relief. If there is no ground as per law to win any particular case or matter, Mr. Bhuiyan does not receive the case rather he truly discloses the fact to his clients. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan does not give Shelter emotion in his mind; he believes in practical life and struggle.
He has been fighting against the political panel based election in the legal fraternity of Bangladesh. As part of his war against panel system, Mr. Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan contested in the Bangladesh Bar Council Election-2018 for the post of member in General Seat as independent candidate and got 551 valued votes from the learned advocates. Thereafter, to raise the voice against panel system in the Bar Election, Mr. Bhuiyan contested in the Bangladesh Supreme court Bar Association Election-2019-20, 2020-21, and 2021-2022 for the post of Assistant Secretary as an independent candidate and got 552 valued votes in 2019-20 and got 668 valued votes in 2020-21 and 488 votes in 2021-2022 (for the first time the highest votes in the history of Supreme Court Bar as an independent candidate) of the Learned Advocates of the Supreme Court Bar. Actually, he bears skyrocketing confidence in bringing experience in his works. He is involved with many national and international Organizations including charitable institutions.
He is obstinate to stick to gun with the philosophy he bears and believes till his death. Mr. Farhad never bows down to others for personal gain and fame. He thinks and feels that to cut a large piece of heavy glass, only a small and tiny diamond is good enough. Indeed, Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan wants to see him as a perfect human being dedicated to mankind in future.
Farhad Uddin Ahmed Bhuiyan
Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Website: www.lawyerfarhadahmedbhuiyan.com


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