Curating a Sustainable Lifestyle | Zen Lim | TEDxWasedaU

Описание к видео Curating a Sustainable Lifestyle | Zen Lim | TEDxWasedaU

What can one do for the environment? Zen will share how her journey with yoga had inspired her shift into an environment conscious lifestyle. She will speak about the important message of how “imperfect is ok” and how it is the accumulation of one’s small actions towards an eco-friendly lifestyle that can lead to a big difference.

人は環境のために何ができるのか?ゼンさんは、ヨガとの出会いをきっかけに、環境を意識した生活へと少しずつ移行していく経験について語ります。「完璧である必要はない」という重要なメッセージ、また、環境に優しい生活を目指した小さな行動の積み重ねこそが大きな変化をもたらすことをお話しして頂きます。 Zen is a Chinese-Malaysian junior at Waseda University, Tokyo, School of International Liberal Studies, focusing on global governance and environmental sustainability. She is also a certified yoga instructor, and co-founder of ProjekWaste, a local NPO in Perhentian Islands, Malaysia, tackling waste pollution and raising awareness in nature conservation. She recently started her sustainable creative lifestyle brand Nami, exploring and creating alternatives for sustainable living. In her free time, Zen enjoys playing tennis, badminton, scuba diving, surfing, rock climbing, and more yoga. You may also find her brewing coffee and making latte art in a cafe in Omotesando. Through this Tedx talk, she wishes to reach to more individuals to not only be aware of climate impacts but take actions and make changes through daily activities and mindfulness. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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