🌙Sleep Affirmations Meditation | YOU ARE ENOUGH | Restoring your Self-Worth

Описание к видео 🌙Sleep Affirmations Meditation | YOU ARE ENOUGH | Restoring your Self-Worth

As you prepare to drift off into a restful sleep, allow yourself to simply listen to the soothing sounds of rain and my calming voice. These peaceful moments before sleep are incredibly powerful, helping you to relax your central nervous system and effortlessly manifest the abundance you deserve. Know that all the prosperity and goodness you seek is already on its way to you. There’s nothing you need to do except get cozy and let the words work their magic.

Welcome to your new reality, where you become a true magnet for abundance. As you settle into bed, let go of any tension in your body. Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, feel your shoulders drop, your jaw relax, and your entire body soften. Allow yourself to melt into this moment of calm, knowing that you are safe, supported, and exactly where you need to be.

In this space of deep relaxation, we will gently transform your relationship with money and abundance. As you listen to these affirmations, your mind and heart will begin to align with the energy of prosperity. Whether you wish to welcome more material wealth, or simply invite more hope, love, and happiness into your life, these affirmations will guide you towards greater abundance.

Let’s begin...
I am worthy of unlimited abundance.
I embrace the flow of wealth, love, and joy that fills every part of my being.
I am open to receiving abundance in all areas of my life.
I attract wealth and prosperity effortlessly, and it flows abundantly towards me.
I am grateful for the abundance that surrounds me today.
I am open to the highest aligned outcomes for my soul.

As these affirmations resonate within you, feel their truth soothing your mind and body. You are deserving of all the abundance the universe has to offer, and as you drift into sleep, this energy is already being drawn to you.

Let yourself fully relax into this sense of peace and prosperity as you fall asleep. Allow these affirmations to weave their magic throughout your dreams, helping you manifest a life filled with abundance and joy.

Good night, and may your sleep be filled with comfort and the effortless attraction of all the goodness you desire. Take care !


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