Build and Deploy Fully Responsive Landing Page: React + Tailwind CSS

Описание к видео Build and Deploy Fully Responsive Landing Page: React + Tailwind CSS

In this video, we will learn how to create a Modern fully responsive website using react and tailwind CSS from scratch.

We'll begin by creating our application using Vite and installing and setting up tailwind css in our project. Then we will work on creating Navbar which is fully responsive and has a mobile drawer to display all links of the page.
The website also contains a beautiful hero section which uses gradient text, to give a modern look to the site. We will also be using video tag to display few videos in autoplay and loop mode. The site also contains a feature section that lists all the features of the product displayed in a clean UI.
The site will also have a pricing card feature with three plans for the users to select. We will also look at how to create testimonials and footer section using tailwind css.
Finally we will also deploy our code on the Vercel platform.

🔗 Links:

Github link:
Instagram:   / compile_tab  

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:53 Installation
00:04:55 Navbar
00:16:33 Hero Section
00:23:27 Features Section
00:31:50 Workflow Section
00:39:07 Pricing Section
00:48:07 Testimonials Section
00:54:21 Footer Section
00:59:15 Deploy

#reactjs #reactjsproject #reactjstutorial


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