Quiet Quitting, Flexibility Fatigue & Pay Transparency

Описание к видео Quiet Quitting, Flexibility Fatigue & Pay Transparency

An hr|simple webinar presented by Shayda Le, Partner at Barran Liebman designed for employers of all sizes, that delves into the pressing issues of today's rapidly evolving work landscape.

Link to subscribe to hr|webinars MAX – a monthly employment law webinar subscription. Use coupon code MAX20 for 20% off your subscription (that's 15 webinars per year for just $136!)

To request a copy of the slides or to learn more about this webinar series email [email protected].
This webinar is part of hr|simple’s monthly employment law series for employers and HR professionals. Webinar subscriptions are available at the link above and include:
– At least 15 live webinars/year including a Q&A session with attorney
– Slides and recordings of all events
– Each webinar is worth 1 SHRM and 1 HRCI credit

For more information on Barran Liebman visit: https://www.barran.com/


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