Company Secretary | CS Executive Stage: A Short Journey Explained | Rishi Arya

Описание к видео Company Secretary | CS Executive Stage: A Short Journey Explained | Rishi Arya

Company Secretary | CS Executive Stage: A Short Journey Explained | Rishi Arya

#companysecretary #icsi #cseet #csexecutive #csprofessional #trending #youtube

Embarking on the journey to become a Company Secretary is an exhilarating and challenging endeavor. In this video, we delve into the intricate stages that a student typically experiences while pursuing the Executive level of the Company Secretary course.

From the initial enthusiasm to the rigorous study sessions, each phase brings its own set of triumphs and hurdles. We'll explore the dedication required to master subjects like Company Law, Cost and Management Accounting, Tax Laws, and more.

Join us as we dissect the journey of a Company Secretary student, offering insights, tips, and encouragement for those currently navigating this stage or considering embarking on this prestigious profession.

Artist - Rishi Arya
Instagram Handle - @rishie_arya
Email - [email protected]
special thanks to all the teachers

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