Mamiya RB67... you're not going to like what I have to say about this camera!

Описание к видео Mamiya RB67... you're not going to like what I have to say about this camera!

For one of the most popular 120 film cameras out there... this is going to be controversial. I don't like it.

Ok so I'm teasing a little bit. It is a good camera. BUT... there are some important things to talk about with the RB67.

Firstly, and most importantly, of all the cameras I've bought and owned, I had more failures when buying this than I have before. I bought three cameras, returned two, I bought four lenses, returned two and had to salvage parts from the remaining two to make one good lens.

And here's why - some of these RB67s have taken an absolute hammering in their lives. They are great cameras, and because they are great they were used by professionals through the 70s and 80s, and into the 90s as well. And some of them, not all of course, but some, have been beaten to hell.

This one that I have, and got some really nice photos on, in comparison to the rest of my cameras, is in bits. The body itself is tatty, dented, scratched and temperamental. The film back is battered, dented in a few places, it doesn't open properly, it scratches film, and it's doing a super weird thing that I'll let you discover with me in the video.

This lens has clearly been very very well used, but it's working, and that's why I went with this one. The glass itself is very prone to separation in the rear group. I literally bought three separate 90mm f3.5 Sekor lenses, all with varying degrees of separation in the rear group.

But, if you get a good one, in good condition, I have no doubt at all that this will be an amazing camera for you. Mamiya make great cameras. They just do. Or should I say did.

Aaaaanyway, let me know what you thought of the video, and the photos, int the comments below!


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