म, आमा र TIKTOK : Sobars Ghimire(Dhukurey Don) : The Storyyellers

Описание к видео म, आमा र TIKTOK : Sobars Ghimire(Dhukurey Don) : The Storyyellers

Sobars Ghimire aka Dhukurey Don is a content creator by profession famous for his tiktok comedies.

2019 , Sobars returned from Europe to Nepal after almost 10 years.His brother had come to the airport to receive him, he had a huge suitcase with him. His relatives and friends had high hope from him and was expecting some gifts. But little did they know that Sobars hardly had any clothes in his suitcase. He had stuffed papers inside his suitcase to make a false impression of heaviness. Why did Sobars make a false impression? Why did he not have any clothes inside his bag? What happened in the Europe and why he returned to Nepal? Please view the full story to find out and don't forget to subscribe/like and share.

‘I Have A Story To Yell’ is an online platform, initiated by The StoryYellers where any person can send in their stories online and if the story matches with our criteria we call them to yell their stories. Please do share with us yours stories at : https://bit.ly/31Avz7g

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