Pumpkins & Propagation: Our Fall Favorites - Northeast Ham Radio Happy Hour Livestream

Описание к видео Pumpkins & Propagation: Our Fall Favorites - Northeast Ham Radio Happy Hour Livestream

For October, we welcome back Walt K4OGO from Coastal Waves and Wires for our Happy Hour livestream. The topic this month is our fall favorites: bands, antennas, operating activities, and more.

We are a diverse group of ham radio enthusiasts from all over the Northeast, united by our love for this hobby. We invite you to join us in the fun, especially if you are from New England or the Northeast. So, what do you say? Let's have a great time and celebrate our shared passion for ham radio!

Check out and subscribe to our channels:

Don "Izzo" W1FYG -    / @hamradioclubhouse  
Eric N1JUR Amateur Radio -    / @n1jur  
LiveFree & Ham - https://livefreeandham.com/
Paul N1OG Amateur Radio -    / Канал  
Marvin W0MET -    / @w0met24  
Matt N3VAN Radio -    / @n3vanradio  
Mike N2MAK -    / @miken2mak  
Paul VT Radio -    / @vtradio  
Rob SevenFortyOne -    / @sevenfortyone  
Todd W1STJ -    / @w1stj  
Walt K4OGO -    / @coastalwaveswires  


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