North Korean Song: Day Dawns over Chol Pass

Описание к видео North Korean Song: Day Dawns over Chol Pass

Korean title: 철령에 동이 튼다

Korean lyrics:

아 철령애 동이 튼다

철령애 동이 튼다 붉은 노을 타오른다
추억많은 붉은 령길 물들이며 동이 튼다
포연천리 헤치시며 수령님 넘으신 령
성스러운 전승의 길 빛내주며 동이 튼다

깊은 밤도 새벽에도 눈비와도 넘으시던
장군님의 그 영상이 굽이마다 어려온다
내 조국의 운명지켜 쉬임없시 이어가신
성스러운 선군의 길 빛내주며 동이 튼다

철령애 동이 튼다 장엄하게 동이 튼다
당중앙과 뜨락처럼 이은 길에 해가 솟는다
통일강국 미래를 안고 원수님 이어가시는
성스러운 승리의 길 빛내주며 동이 튼다

아 철령애 동이 튼다

Perforemd by The Korean People's Army State Merited Chorus.

Download link:

Additional Information:

Chol Pass, Symbolic of Kim Jong Il's Songun Leadership

The 32-kilometer-long Chol Pass consists of a range of steep uphill and downhill cliffs.

The Korean people call the pass a symbol of the Songun leadership.

In the 1990s, the U.S.-led imperialist forces made every conceivable effort to stifle the DPRK, which was invariably holding the banner of independence and the banner of socialism.

To cope with it, leader Kim Jong Il opted for enforcing Songun politics and made ceaseless inspection tours of the Korean People's Army units over the pass.

One day in March Juche 85 (1996), he personally drove the car on the pass covered with wet snow.

His Songun politics led the Korean-style socialism to make a steady headway.

Thanks to the politics, the KPA has now developed into a matchless powerful army and the DPRK has become a nuclear state.

A series of emotion-packed events were witnessed in the country and a number of edifies have been built for the people's wellbeing.

The DPRK people, well aware of the might of Songun politics, are now dynamically working to implement the line of the Workers' Party of Korea on simultaneously carrying on the economic construction and the building of nuclear forces.


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