彰化縣花壇鄉虎山巖觀音佛祖 Hushan Temple in Huatan, Changhua [Aerial View|空拍]

Описание к видео 彰化縣花壇鄉虎山巖觀音佛祖 Hushan Temple in Huatan, Changhua [Aerial View|空拍]

地形優越,彷若人間仙境 虎山巖其山形恰似臥虎,因而得名。此地的風水據傳為虎穴,前溪若龍,後山如虎,四周茂林修竹,竹影參差、禽聲嚶鳴、風光秀麗,置身其間彷彿神仙境界,故「虎巖聽竹」,早在清朝時期即成為彰化八景之一。 清幽寧靜,詩情畫意 廟的格局屬三合院單殿式,建築古樸,正殿貌小而靈瓏、古意盎然,為清代中葉中小型寺廟的代表。寺左修竹參差,聽竹亭掩映其中,頗富詩意。廟前種有二棵已二百年歷史的古榕樹,枝葉茂密。虎山巖不只為山中寧靜之佛寺,亦為民眾尋幽訪古的好去處。 禮佛參拜,共襄祭典 寺內奉祀觀音菩薩,每年農曆2月19日、4月7日、6月18日、 9月29日是該寺祭日,各地湧至的香客增添不少熱鬧氣氛。

Hushan Temple is a historic site in the county, where the main worship is Guanyin Bodhisattva, and it is a place for pure cultivation of monks. In 1747, in the twelfth year of the Qing Emperor Qianlong, believers in Baishakeng proposed to build a Buddhist temple to worship Guanyin Bodhisattva. The believer Lai Fenggao donated mountains and forests and was built, making Hushan Temple one of the three famous temples in Changhua in the Qing Dynasty.
The terrain is superior, resembling a fairyland on earth. Hushan Temple is named after its mountain shape resembling a crouching tiger. The feng shui here is said to be a tiger’s lair. The front stream is like a dragon and the back mountain is like a tiger. It is surrounded by lush forests and bamboos. Bamboo shadows are mixed, birds humming, and the scenery is beautiful. It became one of the eight scenic spots in Changhua. Quiet and quiet, poetic and picturesque. The layout of the temple is a three-in-one courtyard single hall style. The architecture is simple and simple. There are mixed bamboos on the left of the temple, and it is quite poetic to listen to the bamboo pavilion. In front of the temple, there are two ancient banyan trees with a history of two hundred years, with dense branches and leaves. Hushan Temple is not only a peaceful Buddhist temple in the mountains, but also a good place for people to find a quiet place to visit the ancient times. Worship the Buddha and participate in the rituals. Guanyin Bodhisattva is enshrined in the temple. February 19, April 7, June 18, and September 29 of the lunar calendar are the festival days of the temple. Pilgrims from all over the country add a lot of lively atmosphere.
The hills next to Hushan Temple are planted with a new variety of Golden Needle Flower Taitung No. 7, which is suitable for flat land. The color is golden. There are more than 30,000 Golden Needle flowers on site, making the hills next to Hushan Temple a dazzling golden flower sea in April and May. Many people came to enjoy the flowers.


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