Sonicware Liven Ambient 0

Описание к видео Sonicware Liven Ambient 0

Sonicware Liven Ambient 0 jam.

Liven Ambient 0 is a unique and fun instrument.
I have planned to do some kind of "ambient," so I get some reverb, and I am planning to get a nice drone machine.
But Sonicware announced a new Liven specialising in playing ambient music, so I ordered it.

This time, I didn't modify any parameters; I just used a vanilla preset in Bank1 No10 "Drops."
Just select Layer and play the keyboard.
No special things, but it's fun.

There are lots of parameters that modify sounds, reverb, and effects. I like the sound of shimmer reverb, which is implemented on ELZ_1 Play. I think the same shimmer reverb is also on Liven Ambient 0.

It will be even more fun when I get used to it and can manipulate the parameters in real time.

ソニックウェアの新しいLiven Ambient 0です。

同じSonicware社製のELZ_1 Playに載っているシマーリバーブが良い感じなのですが、Ambient0に載っているのももしかすると同じ感じかもしれません。


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