Key West in One Day & Shopping (4K)

Описание к видео Key West in One Day & Shopping (4K)

See where we went and what we did in Key West Florida for a day during our summer 2018 Cuba cruise! In our DIY excursion/vlog, we started at Mallory Square after getting from the Key West cruise port at the Fort Zachary Navy Outer Mole pier via a free shuttle trolley (watch our in-dept video on the port another video:    • Key West Cruise Port at Fort Zachary ...   ).

We then saw Mary the Wrecking/Work Boat, visited the Key West Historic Memorial Sculpture Garden, and headed southest on Whitehead Street. After about 20 minutes of brisk walking, we reached the Southernmost Point of Continental USA which was a nice spot for photo-ops. We then visited the Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory (in-depth video:    • Butterfly Garden - Key West Butterfly...   ), then took a Uber/Lyft back to Mallory Square.

There we visited the waterfront area and perused some quaint shops for souvenirs and interesting craft items from stores such as the Key West Sponge Market, before finally heading back to our cruise ship.

This was part of our 14 day Cuba cruise round-trip Boston in summer of 2018.


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