One week into a new Syria, rebels aim for normalcy

Описание к видео One week into a new Syria, rebels aim for normalcy

(16 Dec 2024)

Husseiniyeh, Syria – 15 December 2024
1. Rebel fighter trying to stop armed people from stealing; UPSOUND rebel fighter: “put the stuff down”
2. Rebel fighter entering an abandoned home that’s being looted; UPSOUND rebel fighter: “Is there anyone here?”
3. Rebel fighter telling man to get out; UPSOUND rebel fighter: “Get out” “search him”
4. Men leaving and being searched by the fighters who take things they stole out of their pockets
5. Fighters telling looters to leave the abandoned home
6. Rebel fighter helping a woman
7. Woman talking to rebel fighter
8. Rebel fighter speaking to woman off camera; UPSOUND rebel fighter: “We are here in a large force, and hopefully no one will harm you and you’ll stay amongst your people. Hopefully we will establish a big security force and no one will harm you. We owe you.”
Woman: “You took too long.”
Rebel fighter: “We owe you.”

Douma, Syria – 13 December 2024
9. Rebel fighter outside of factory that was used to produce captagon pills
10. Rebel fighters taking captagon pills out of voltage regulator
11. Rebel fighter pointing to chemical material used to make captagon
12. Various of rebel fighters inside captagon factory

Damascus, Syria – 14 December 2024
13. Various of policemen outside police station
14. Damaged sign reading (Arabic) “police station”
15. Various of policeman going up the stairs
16. Various of broken windows
17. Various of police report papers thrown on the floor
18. Various of damaged police station
19. Discarded military uniform
20. Syrian flag on discarded military uniform

Damascus, Syria – 11 December 2024
21. Exterior of Damascus Airport
22. Various of rebel fighters at airport for security

Damascus, Syria – 13 December 2024
23. Rebel fighter directing traffic at big, crowded celebration
24. Rebel fighter making the peace sign
25. Rebel fighter holding up the revolution flag at celebration rally
26. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) no name given, resident:
“The regime would scare us and say that the Free Army is a terrorist militia. My house is on the Dahadeel highway, so when the Free Army came, they didn’t break a single thing, and they didn’t encroach on anyone’s property.”
27. Rebel fighter taking pictures with kids

Damascus, Syria – 11 December 2024
28. Various of people taking pictures with tank and rebel fighters in the street
Rebel forces have been deployed as security across Syria, aiming to return a sense of normalcy a week after the fighters forced President Bashar Assad to flee, ending five decades of his family's rule.

The rebel fighters have prioritized security in the capital, where there has been looting of private properties and attacks on security and government buildings.

Rebel forces were deployed to a village in southeastern Damascus to stop looters who swarmed a residential complex in the area and set apartments on fire.

They arrived at the village of Husseiniyeh when looters, including women and children, were trying to walk away with furniture, windows, food, copper wires, and anything they can get their hands on.

A resident, a school principal, said her house was looted and she was unable to stop the looters from coming in. She scolded the rebel forces for being late.

At a torched police station, pictures of Assad were torn down and files destroyed after insurgents entered the city Dec. 8. All Assad-era police and security personnel have vanished.

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