Keep Things Real! | Fabio Zaffagnini | TEDxAssisi

Описание к видео Keep Things Real! | Fabio Zaffagnini | TEDxAssisi

“Dreaming is important and cool even when you’re traveling, but it can become dangerous, because dreaming can create patterns and structures in your mind, and patterns can lead to prejudices. Prejudices are dangerous while travelling, because they don’t give you the opportunity to see reality as it is. (...)
The secret is to keep things real, so forget all the expectations and do not try to look for something that confirms your first idea. You just have to get stuck to reality and absorb what is around you.”

Fabio Zaffagnini started working as a marine geologist for the Institute of Marine Sciences of CNR Bologna and for the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change. After a freelance experience, in 2012 he starts dealing with transfer of technology and industrial research for a private research center. In 2011 he has launched a project called Trail Me Up, a system based on virtual augmented reality that allows users to go for virtual guided tours of trails all over the world.
Since 2015 he is one of the independent Experts of the European Commission for product design and social innovation.
He has created and coordinated Rockin’1000, an event during which 1000 musicians have played at the same time a song by the Foo Fighters; the video has reached over 24 millions of views. He loves travelling, rock music and beach volley.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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