The Scariest Tank Destroyers in World of Tanks

Описание к видео The Scariest Tank Destroyers in World of Tanks

Today I'm showing you my list of the top 5 scariest tank destroyers in World of Tanks! What are you scared of the most?

World of Tanks | WoT

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#wot #worldoftanks

0:00 - Intro
1:24 - FV4005 (Steppes)
7:06 - Jg.Pz. E 100 (Lakeville)
15:52 - FV 215b 183 (Fjords)
19:45 - FV 215b 183 (Overlord)
24:27 - Foch 155 (Fjords)
27:21 - Foch B (Pilsen)
35:01 - Outro


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