How I Became A Sex Educator

Описание к видео How I Became A Sex Educator

I always tell people that I became a sex educator by accident. I honestly didn’t even know “sex educator” was a real job when I started in this field. It took me a long time to realize that this was the career I wanted, and even once I did, I spent years trying to figure out my career path.

It took me a long time to hit my stride in this biz. Looking back it would have been so helpful if I’d had someone to help me chart a course, so I could have set some sex ed career goals and reached them more quickly.

That’s why after more than fifteen years in this business, I want to help other aspiring and emerging sex educators jump start their own careers. If that’s you missed my FREE workshop SO YOU WANT TO BE A SEX EDUCATOR, you can register for the replay here:

If you'd like to learn more about my small group mentorship program for aspiring and emerging sex educators, THE SEX EDUCATOR SUPER STARTER, you can learn more about the course here:


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