Instagram Shoutout Prices - Influencer Prices & Theme Page Shoutouts

Описание к видео Instagram Shoutout Prices - Influencer Prices & Theme Page Shoutouts

How much should I charge for shoutouts? is a question I get all the time. In this video, I go over shoutout prices in detail.

The thing is that there's no fixed price per amount of followers. There are so many factors that can go into the prices that may cause it to vary such as the time of posting, how long for, the type of shoutout, engagement rate, story views, and much much more.

I do my best to give some hard data that you can compare your results to.

so hopefully after this video, you'll be able to price your shoutouts correctly and know when certain pages are trying to charge you too much when you buy Instagram shoutouts.

Thanks for watching!


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