SWAMI PARAMANAND GIRI JI MAHARAJ @ London chinmaya mission uk24/11/24

Описание к видео SWAMI PARAMANAND GIRI JI MAHARAJ @ London chinmaya mission uk24/11/24

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Main Summary
This lecture focuses on the principle of Advaita Vedanta, which emphasizes the oneness of Atman (individual self) and Brahman (ultimate reality). The lecturer clarified two meanings of Advaita: first, that Atman and Brahman are not different, but one; and second, that it is not the body, senses, mind, intellect, etc., but beyond all these.
Negation and Experience
The lecturer explained that the process of negation is crucial for understanding Advaita. Through "Neti Neti" (not this, not this), we understand what we are not. But this process is not complete. The ultimate truth is attained through the experience of "This too, I am." Evidence for this is found in the Vedas in sentences like "Atma Idam Sarvam" (Atman is everything) and "Aham Brahmasmi" (I am Brahman).
Truth Beyond Time
The lecturer explained that what is seen is not timeless; sometimes it appears, sometimes it doesn't. But what is beyond time is the Atman itself, which is Brahman. The complete meaning of Vedanta is understood only when we understand both negation and experience.
The Role of the Guru
The lecturer also highlighted the importance of the Guru. They explained that the Guru is the one who helps us understand this truth. The Guru tells us what we are not and what we are. They explained the Guru-disciple relationship using the example of Arjuna and Lord Krishna.
Maya and Illusion
The lecturer also clarified the concept of Maya and illusion. They explained that the world is a form of Brahman itself, but it is an illusion that we consider it separate. Just as a pot is a form of clay, the world is a form of Brahman. To remove this illusion, we need to understand Advaita Vedanta.
Practical Examples
The lecturer explained the principle of Advaita using simple examples like cloth and knot, pot and clay. They explained that just as the knot is not separate from the cloth, the world is not separate from Brahman.
The essence of the lecture is that Atman is Brahman, and liberation is attained only by knowing this truth. For this, the study of Vedanta and the grace of the Guru are essential. The lecturer congratulated the listeners for this knowledge and inspired them to move forward on this path. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti! Satguru Dev Ki Jai!


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