Same bale 3 times – huge skink escapes and both magpies get a feed – Australian birds

Описание к видео Same bale 3 times – huge skink escapes and both magpies get a feed – Australian birds

The first visit was a wash – short and off she went. Second visit, longer with both magpies getting a feed. Third visit – a Three-clawed worm-skink bolts for cover and makes it. If you like those quiet little noises they make, you're in for a treat. Same bale three times in one afternoon – you really never know what you're going to get!

She makes those little noises from around 2:18 for ages but at 3:42 the tone changes for a little while. I think she was a bit annoyed with him encroaching on her patch. And again at 4:40 but a bit less vocal. She leaves him to it but he isn't there very long before something attracts his attention and off he goes.

I was quite surprised when she came back a third time at 8:11 and even more surprised a skink (I often call them legless lizards which is incorrect) had moved in. It hadn't been very long at all! She missed out on a very big feed. She had a long look to see if she could get it but she was just too slow off the mark.

She has a couple of excellent scratches at a good camera angle. Nothing very indicative on the “are there eggs in the nest” question today. Did she fly most of the way back to the nest for a quick check on the nest? Maybe... I was a bit preoccupied and didn't track her movements too closely. She sure was chatty though. When he was there, anyway.

It could be interesting if that skink is under the bale when I turn it over. But it could have moved anywhere.

Have a good one!

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