THE LIAHONA - by Angie Killian

Описание к видео THE LIAHONA - by Angie Killian

I am so excited to introduce my newest song, “The Liahona.” Based on one of my favorite Book of Mormon stories, this song is perfect for our 2024 Come Follow Me study. Like “My Own Sacred Grove,” this song teaches us about receiving personal revelation from Heavenly Father and following the direction we are given.

When I was young–and even now!–I’ve always thought it would be splendid to have a liahona, or compass, that allowed God to speak directly to Lehi and his family. As I got older, I realized that God has sent us so many other amazing tools that help us hear Him: the Holy Ghost, scriptures, prophets, teachers, leaders, special blessings, and so much more.

Our beloved prophet Russell M. Nelson taught us, “To hearken means to “hear Him”—to hear what the Savior says and then to heed His counsel. In those two words—“Hear Him”—God gives us the pattern for success, happiness, and joy in this life. We are to hear the words of the Lord, hearken to them, and heed what He has told us!”

Sheet music, mp3, and accompaniment track available:

Lyric video coming soon!
“The Liahona” credits:
Music & Lyrics by Angie Killian
Arranged by Daniel Blomberg
Recorded by Becky Willard at Vox Fox Studios and Casey Corum at Brea Canyon Recording
Mixed & mastered by Becky Willard

Soloists in order of appearance: Janey Killian, Abigail Lervold, Carter Killian
Additional vocalists: Sierra Lyn, Kate Taylor, Georgia Coles, Alexa Gruwell

Video recorded & edited by Josh Sales
Production assistant: Courtney Sales
Illustrations by the incredible Alyssa Harper (Primary Illustrations) available here:

Special thanks to my husband–Derek, my parents–Dennis & Lila Christensen, my brother and sister-in-law–Bryce & Brianne Christensen, Matt & Cecily Lew, Craig & Kim Ballard, and all of the amazing children and their parents who helped us bring this song to life.

The liahona Led Lehi and his family
Through deserts and across the sea
To find their promised land

If they were faithful
The Lord provided for their needs
And through their diligence would lead
And guide them with his hand

He will guide me
When I'm in my wilderness
And stay beside me
On stormy seas
I am learning how He speaks to me
And I will follow where He leads

Like a liahona,
God gives me guidance when I pray
And sends me tools that point the way—
Directing me with love

The Holy Spirit
Shines like a compass in my soul
That leads me on my pathway home
To live with Him above

He will guide me
When I'm in my wilderness
And stay beside me
On stormy seas
I am learning how He speaks to me
And I will follow where He leads

He will speak to me
Through prophets and leaders
Scriptures and teachers
And blessings I receive
And I’m listening!
I am listening!

He will guide me
When I'm in my wilderness
And stay beside me
On stormy seas
I am learning how He speaks to me
And I will follow where He leads
I will follow where He leads

Connect with Angie:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook:   / angiekillianm.  .
Instagram: @angiemaek @AngieKillianMusic

Connect with Josh:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @joshsalesfilms

Connect with Alyssa:
Email: [email protected]

Connect with Daniel:
Facebook:   / blombergmusi.  .
Instagram: @blombergmusicproductions

Connect with Becky:
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @voxfox2

Connect with Casey:
Email: [email protected]


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