Quora Ads Tutorial: Complete & Detailed Step-By-Step (The Only Video You Will Need)

Описание к видео Quora Ads Tutorial: Complete & Detailed Step-By-Step (The Only Video You Will Need)

Watch behind my shoulder as I give you the complete Quora Ads tutorial from start to finish in this step-by-step video.

My goal in this video is to make this the one video that will answer all your questions so you don't have to watch another Quora video.

We are going to cover the following:

1. How to create your Quora Ad account
2. How to create your Quora campaign
3. How to set up and install conversion tracking
4. How to create remarketing audience lists
5. How to create a lead gen campaign

Without further ado... let's get started with this Quora Ads tutorial!

Step 1: Create your Quora Ad account

First, make sure that you have a regular Quora account.

You can sign up for one here:

👉 quora.com

This is a basic question and answer website where we'll be making our ads so they look like they're a part of the content.

Once you create a basic account, click on your profile icon and select "Create ads".

Just follow the steps and fill in the blanks to create your Quora ad account - so enter the name of the account, the category, and so on.

You will need to verify your email address as well, so once you do that, you're ready to move on to the next step in our Quora Ads tutorial!

Step 2: Create your Quora Ads campaign

Simply click on "Create Campaign" in the top-right corner of your interface and again, just follow the prompts and fill in the blanks to create your campaign.

At the campaign level, you need to select the campaign objective, which will most likely be "Traffic" if you're just starting out. You will also set the budget here.

At the ad group level is where you set the targeting. Here you can target absolutely everyone and everywhere (broad), target your audiences (we'll get into later on), and target a specific topic or based on keywords/questions people have been asking.

At the ad level is where you'll create the ad creative, including images and text.

If you're just starting out, you won't be able to create an image ad because the logo will have to be approved.

You can also write out an actual answer and then promote that answer... so a useful tool if you want to come off as more credible/authentic.

Step 3: How to set up conversion tracking

It's absolutely essential that you set up conversion tracking so that you can actually see what works and what doesn't and then remove the losers...

Head over to the pixels tab at the top of your interface and create a new pixel.

If you're not using Google Tag Manager, then you will select the manual option and then add the base code to EVERY page of your funnel.

You can also add the advanced matching code if you want to gather a bit more information about people that convert.

Click "Next" and then you have to add the actual event code to the page you want to track.

For example if you want to track how many people signed up to your landing page, you would add the "Lead" event code to your thank you page immediately after the base code.

You can check to make sure the codes were added successfully by viewing page source and seeing if the Quora Ads code has been successfully added.

If you DO have Google Tag Manager, the process is simpler - simply add the Quora ID given to you and add it to the Quora option in Google Tag Manager - they already have an integration in place so it makes it very simple.

Add the base code to "All Pages" of your website and then add the event code to the specific page you want to track.

You can hit preview mode and just confirm that the code has been successfully added.

Step 4: How to create your audiences

Now that you successfully added the pixels, you can create the remarketing audience lists.

You can select the website visitors option first and create some audiences based on certain URLs - for example people who visited your services page, or your products page, etc...

You can also exclude URLs, ie. exclude people who purchased, so you don't have to market to them if they already bought.

With Quora Ads, you can also import contact lists and create lookalike audiences just like with Facebook, so you can import a list of people who signed up or made a purchase, and then create an audience of people most similar in characteristics to these people to remarket to later on.

Step 5: How to create a lead generation campaign

Quora loves these campaigns because it keeps people on their website.

So if you create a lead gen form, people will see that form upon clicking on the call to action button on your ad, staying on Quora and being able to fill in their details.

Once you create the form, simply create a new campaign and select "Lead Gen" as the objective.

And that's it for the complete Quora Ads tutorial!

Additional resources:

👉 Check out my courses: ivanmana.com/all-courses

👉 ClickBank + Facebook Ads tutorial:    • How to Do Affiliate Marketing on Face...  

👉 ClickBank + Google Ads tutorial:    • How to Do Affiliate Marketing on Goog...  

👉 Like my Facebook page!: facebook.com/onlinemarketingessentials


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