Garden Trellis - How to Make the Best Supports for Climbing Vegetables

Описание к видео Garden Trellis - How to Make the Best Supports for Climbing Vegetables

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Training climbing vegetables up supports is a great way to get maximum yield from minimum space. Building your own supports is easy, fun and can make an impressive feature in your garden.

If you’re growing climbing peas, beans, cucumbers or any other vining plant, you’ll need to build supports to help them grow skywards. Providing support also means you can pack more sprawling plants such as squashes and melons into your space by training them upwards instead.

In this video we demonstrate how to choose the best supports for your garden and give step-by-step instructions for creating the ultimate pea and bean frame.

If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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