Nose Job Surgery for Deviated Septum – Rhinoplasty to Improve Crooked Nose

Описание к видео Nose Job Surgery for Deviated Septum – Rhinoplasty to Improve Crooked Nose

Watch a nose job rhinoplasty procedure to correct a deviated septum, a condition in which the nose is crooked at the bottom with uneven nostrils.
This patient sought out Dr. Robert Caridi for his expertise and extensive experience in performing rhinoplasty to improve her crooked nose. As Dr. Caridi examines the patient before the deviated septum treatment procedure, he shows just how crooked her nose is, something the patient has been dealing with the effects of everyday of her life.

The septum is the wall between the two nostrils. Ideally, the nasal septum will sit more or less exactly in the center and the left and right sides of the nose are equal sizes. For many people, the nasal septum is a little off-center, although most never notice. For some people - like this patient, the septum is really off center, the nose is crooked at the bottom and the uneven nostrils are uneven. This is called a deviated septum.

Treatments for a deviated septum include decongestants, antihistamines, nasal steroids, an adhesive strip to open the nasal passages and cosmetic surgery.

Reiterating the fact that there is only so much that can be done to any nose, especially in such a dramatic case as this, that expecting a perfect nose as a result is simply unrealistic. The result must be gauged by the improvement it has made, not whether it hit perfection. However, as the patient very much so understands and wants, there are vast improvements that can be made. Overall, the goals of the nose job surgery are to treat the deviated septum to improve breathing and reduce the size and width of the nose, smooth the patient’s nose hump and reduce the size of her large nostrils.

Want more information about nose job surgery, deviated septum treatment or other rhinoplasty related information? Read all about it here:

The nose job surgery for deviated septum correction begins internally, which Dr. C refers to as the “hard part”. This portion of the rhinoplasty procedure is about making sure to improve the patient’s ability to breathe and is where the patient greatly benefits from Dr. C’s expertise.

The external portion of the procedure begins by delicately exposing the nose’s cartilages. Cartilage on the lower portion of the nose shape the nose’s tip, whereas cartilage and bone on the upper part of the nose shapes the rest of the nose. Dr. C then begins to segmentally reduce cartilage down to only the bone. Due to the large amount of bone needing to be removed, a chisel is used to use remove larger portions of bone in a careful segmental fashion, which is then followed by the finer edge of a rasp. Moving to the tip, stitches are applied to provide definition, however, due to the large amount of bone the patient has, the bone reduction will have the most impact on narrowing the nose. Finally, further osteotomy is performed to further refine the nose’s shape and size.

See before and after photos of rhinoplasty patients, including those with a deviated septum here:

At the patient’s follow-up appoint for her rhinoplasty deviated septum treatment, she is exhibiting a substantial amount of bruising. While it may look shocking at first, it is nothing to be alarmed about and is relatively normal for many. When asked about the pain, the patient states “it hasn't hurt as much as I thought it would…it kind of feels like I have something on my nose”. Nurse Lacy Stewart then proceeds to remove the patient’s steri strips and show the patient her nose in the mirror while holding up a photo of her nose from before the nose job surgery for comparison.

After Dr. C removes the patients nose splints, which are placed to provide support and aid proper nose alignment during early recovery, he and the patient discuss the outcome of the rhinoplasty procedure. Despite the large amount of swelling it is evident that her nose is MUCH straighter than it had been, her nose tip is MUCH more defined, and the bottom of the nose is MUCH straighter. As the majority of swelling subsides over the next few weeks, the fine details of the deviated septum treatment will emerge and become increasingly more refined as healing progresses and swelling gradually fades.

If you have a deviated septum that needs to be treated or have questions about a nose job, and want my free opinion, submit an online consultation here:

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