Wine distribution South Africa

Описание к видео Wine distribution South Africa

Alcohol and wine sales via ecommerce were opened up on 1 June 2020 after 66 days of an alcohol ban during Lockdown level 4 and 5. Online orders continued during lockdown with the anticipation of delivery within a week of the ban being lifted and along with new sales that exploded immediately after this announcement by the South African Government, this situation almost immediately resulted in unprecedented volumes which required couriers to instantly increase infrastructure and labour to accommodate the volumes.

Unfortunately the flood or orders directly impacted the ability to perform at regular delivery levels and created an extensive backlog in all systems despite market research and planning throughout May in anticipation of increased volumes.

Seabourne Express has been delivering wine nationwide for almost 10 years & are considered specialists in the industry, moving some of the most highly regarded & sought after wines across the planet. June 2020 will be remembered as one of the most challenging times in Seabourne’s history as we fought 24 hours, 7 days a week in an attempt and meet our customers expectations and achieve deliveries


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