Best way to fight the Orcs (Weapon + Hero + Trap) - Orcs Must Die! 3

Описание к видео Best way to fight the Orcs (Weapon + Hero + Trap) - Orcs Must Die! 3

Even if the traps are doing the hard job, you are still needed in the fight. Creating the best COMBO between your HERO (6 in total), your WEAPON(15+ of them) and a specific TRAP can be sometimes difficult. I've tried multiple combinations and there are the TOP 5 BEST ones.

00:00 The "Vorbowset"
00:59 The "Statue Slayer"
01:48 The "Barrel Puncher"
02:50 The "Flip and Stones"
04:01 The "Leroy Jenkins"

What is your favourite HERO + WEAPON + TRAP combo?

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