Open House: Real Property OSINT and Researching Public Records

Описание к видео Open House: Real Property OSINT and Researching Public Records

Discover what is considered public record with regards to real property in the United States and how to conduct research to learn about real property, owners, and encumbrances on real property. This talk will give attendees a foundational understanding of how real property records are created and the effect or certain documents against real property as well as how to conduct research using online resources to determine ownership, tax liabilities, and any liens or easements etc. that may affect a parcel of real property. Learn to read maps, follow chains of title, and conduct a property title investigation.

About the Speaker
Alethe Denis is a Senior Consultant at Critical Insight focusing on critical infrastructure. Alethe was awarded a Black Badge at DEF CON 27 for Winning the Social Engineering (SECTF) contest.

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