Rat and Cat All Challenges OG LP Complete | FNAC 3 But Better v3.1.2

Описание к видео Rat and Cat All Challenges OG LP Complete | FNAC 3 But Better v3.1.2

so i beat this for like 2 reasons

1 while grinding ractac i managed to get a 5am on this first try and decided i would beat it cause i could

2 racac is overrated and this is also overrated, rat and cat all challenges is notably easier then puppet master all challenges for multiple reasons

1 the patience is not as tight as people make it out to be, they are effectively saying it is tighter then the dreamscapes patience but it is not it is infact a little looser and increases at a faster speed then the dreamscapes, on top of this the night does not get harder as it goes on unlike puppet master all challenges you also get more breaks in it then you do in pmac

2 without og lp having only the visual aspect is not actually that bad but does still take a bit to learn how to play with even when using gamma adjust but gamma definitely makes it easier

and 3 the only actually hard character in rat and cat all challenges is classic cat, yep rat and cat are not the main dangers within this mode it is actually classic cat this is mainly from the fact that you cannot lower classic after first phase cat anymore meaning that a strategy that is more hopeful on less middle side cat attacks is required but even when you do get middle cat it is still survivable by just going fast as the faster you are the shorter the attack

also the hitbox decrease isn't that bad especially when compared to old deluxe which makes og lp easier then the lp in old deluxe, and all of this combined the old bed phase where you had to stall rat no longer exists as well which makes it even easier then it would be with it

basically all of this is to say that rat and cat all challenges is easier then puppet master all challenges along with the fact that rat and cat all challenges og lp should also be lowered as fixed vinnie all challenges is much harder then it for obvious reasons (vinnie is tighter then both rat and cat there is no scroll lock longer night and longer attacks combined with ai changes that actually make it harder as the night goes on)


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