2023 Advent Calendar | Paper Echos...OMG It's SO CUTE!

Описание к видео 2023 Advent Calendar | Paper Echos...OMG It's SO CUTE!

You can shop Paper Echos (‪@michellepaperechos821‬) on their website and on Etsy. Links are below:

Sadly there's no more advent boxes available but highly recommend this one for next year! I'll for sure be getting one!


f o l l o w m e:

m y a m a z o n s h o p:
Shop my recommended products*!

a f f i l i a t e l i n k s**:
The Happy Planner: tinyurl.com/32ttg9ly
Chic Sparrow: chicsparrow.com/justscribble

e m a i l m e:
[email protected]

s e n d s n a i l m a i l:
Send us snail mail to the PO Box listed in the About tab.

d i s c o u n t s t o my f a v o r i t e s h o p s:
Chic Sparrow: You can shop their site with my Ambassador code for 10% off entire order (limited to one use per customer): JUSTSCRIBBLE

Hubman & Chubgirl: Go to https://t.ly/StaC and use promo code 'SCRIBBLE15' to get 15% off your first order!

MandyLynnPlans: You can shop Mandy Lynn's shop (www.etsy.com/shop/MandyLynnPlans) using my discount code to save 10%: SCRIBBLE10.

VanDieman'sInk: You can shop Van Dieman's shop (https://www.vandiemansink.com/) using my code JUSTSCRIBBLE for a Buy 4 get 1 Free deal. Offer is good worldwide!

*disclaimer: I am a participant in the Amazon Influencer Program, an affiliate advertising program and the Chic Sparrow Ambassador community. As a participant I earn affiliate commissions from qualifying purchases.

**disclaimer: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. The items shared in this video were were not provided to me as part of any promotion and this video is not sponsored. But as a member of the affiliate program I may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you, for sales generated by my affiliate links. Additionally as a member of MandyLynnPlans PR team I receive a discount on products purchased for my personal use and a discount code to provide to my subscribers and followers for their personal use.

#plannercommunity #adventcalendar #stickerhaul


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