The Death of Marat as Art and Evidence

Описание к видео The Death of Marat as Art and Evidence

The Death of Marat as Art and Evidence presented by Dr. Clotilde Roth-Meyer Berry and Dr. Max M. Houck
The Death of Marat is a painting by Jacques-Louis David of the murdered French revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat. As a work of art, it is one of the most famous images of the French revolution. It is also a crime scene rich in clues, forensic evidence, and investigative leads. There is a suspect, Charlotte Corday, who had means and motive. But what traces were left behind to implicate or exonerate her in this murder? Dr. Clotilde Roth-Meyer Berry, an art historian educated at the School of the Louvre and the Sorbonne, and Dr. Max M. Houck, an internationally-recognized forensic expert, will present The Death of Marat as both art and evidence, placing the painting in its historical context and aesthetics as well as meticulously detailing the scene like a modern forensic mystery.


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