Is It Important to Understand the Original Biblical Languages? Part One of Three

Описание к видео Is It Important to Understand the Original Biblical Languages? Part One of Three

Shalom! Today, we’re exploring a question that resonates deeply with those of us who seek to understand God’s Word in its fullness: Is it important to understand the original biblical languages—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? We live in a time when access to translations of the Bible is abundant, never better in history, and the Word of God can be read in nearly every language spoken on earth and transmitted directly to your mobile faster than you can sneeze or yawn when you see someone yawn. But the really big question is, is something lost in translation? Does knowing the original languages of the Bible unlock deeper truths, clearer insights, and a richer connection with God?

Let’s dive into the deep end of this question by examining Scripture itself and gain understanding into the significance of the original languages in conveying God’s revelation to us.


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