Haribo Gummy Imitation Fruit No Bake Cheesecake ハリボーグミをのせた なんちゃってフルーツなレアチーズケーキ

Описание к видео Haribo Gummy Imitation Fruit No Bake Cheesecake ハリボーグミをのせた なんちゃってフルーツなレアチーズケーキ

#Haribo #Gummy #NoBake #Cheesecake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #なんちゃって
The alcoholic Haribo Gold Bears we made before were so pretty, this time we made a Haribo fruit cocktail for a no-bake cheesecake topped with imitation fruit. But there was a problem! The parts of the cake with the gummies were very elastic and difficult to cut. (The next morning, we were able to cut the pineapple and cherry, and then eventually the apple and tangerine.) It might help to cut it with a warm knife...? So, we made a cherry-only cake that would be easy to cut. Use it as a reference. (In the video, we made seven cherries, but when we cut it one slice was a bit large, so we recommend using eight.)

After you put them on the cake, the gummies keep absorbing moisture and swelling. They get more and more indistinguishable, but watching them change might be part of the fun. If you use this recipe, the bottom is 7 mm. The cheesecake is 19 mm. The gelatin is 7 mm. The gummies have a nice fruity flavor.

*Recipe*(one 18 cm round pan)

1. Separate out your favorite gummies and lay them out. Soak in whatever liquid you like. This time we used apple juice.
2. Finely crush nine biscuits (84g).
3. Mix 2 with 40g melted unsalted butter.
4. Tightly press 3 down flat into a pan with a removable bottom. Cool in the fridge.
5. Sprinkle 8g powdered gelatin into 3 tbs water and let soak.
6. Soften the cream cheese 200g by returning it to room temperature or heating it in the microwave ~30 seconds. Stir until creamy and smooth.
7. Stir 70g of sugar into 6.
8. Add about a third of the cream 200ml to 7 and stir it in. Add another third and stir, then repeat with the final third.
9. Stir 2 tbs lemon juice into 8.
10. Heat 5 in the microwave for 30 seconds. Lightly stir it until the powder completely dissolves.
11. Stir 10 into 9.
12. Quickly strain 11 into 4.
13. Quickly even the top of 12 by dropping it from a slight height. Cool in the fridge ~30 mins.

14. Array the soaked gummies from 1 over the cake and return to the fridge. Save the liquid they were steeped in.

15. Strain the liquid from 14 through a tea strainer or similar.
16. Set aside 3 tbs of 15 and sprinkle in 3g gelatin. let sit for ~3 mins.
17. Add more of your liquid to 15 until it's at 150 ml. Bring to room temperature.
18. Microwave 16 for 30 seconds and gently stir until completely dissolved.
19. Stir 18 into the room-temperature 17.
20. Pour 19 over 14. If you completely submerge the gummies, their color will dim, so it's cute to just have their heads poking out a bit.
21. Chill 19 in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
22. Wrap a steamy towel around and remove the cake from the outside of the pan.
23. Enjoy whole, or cut into pieces.

以前 作った、ハリボーゴールドベアーの洋酒漬けがあまりにもキレイだったので、今回はハリボーのフルーツカクテルを使って、なんちゃってフルーツなレアチーズケーキを作ってみました。しかし、このケーキには問題がぁ!ハリボーグミをのせた部分はとても弾力があるので切り分けが難しいんです。(作った翌朝には、パイナップルとさくらんぼが、翌々朝には、リンゴとミカンが切れるようになりました。)温めたナイフで切るとイイのかもしれませんが・・・? ということで、切り分けやすい、さくらんぼのみのケーキも作りました。 参考になさってください。(動画中では、さくらんぼを7個で作っていますが切り分けた時に1ピースが少し大きいので、8個で作ることをオススメします。)グミはレアチーズケーキにのせた後も水分を吸収してどんどん、ふくらみます。だんだんボヤッとした印象になりますが、変化を楽しむのもいいかもです。このレシピで作ると、ボトム 7ミリ。レアチーズケーキ部分 19ミリ。ゼリー部分 7ミリ。グミはその果物ぽい味がして、愉快です。
日本語のレシピはこちら http://ameblo.jp/mosogourmet/entry-12...


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